Agency for sustainable
Together with like-minded people, we create a basis to realise future visions and make the world a better place.
Success holistically rethought
The Pulpo agency is a collective for sustainability in marketing and communication. We do not see ourselves as an advertising agency, but as a pathfinder for companies that have understood that change is necessary. We advise and accompany companies and non-profit organisations to support the change towards a better world. We oppose competitive thinking and learn from each other – because only together can we make real progress.
We are a forward-looking company made up of a network of creative thinkers and actors who want to make a meaningful difference with their work. We have neither clients nor employees, but partners and friends.
Mahatma Gandhi

Sustainable means future-oriented
We create an ecosystem in which companies can benefit from each other and develop sustainably. This results in a win-win-win situation for everyone - our customers' success is also our success and a benefit for our society and the environment.
Marketing Services
There are countless sustainable products and services, but unfortunately, very few are known or even available. We want to change this as soon as possible! With our proven marketing tools, we increase your market penetration and help you to gain loyal customers.
Marketing Management
From the analysis to the implementation of individual activities, we offer the complete marketing management process. With our marketing service subscription, we also manage individual touchpoints over the long term or manage your social media presence, including content and advertising.
Marketing Services
Can't see the wood for the trees? Just give us a call, or we will be happy to have a coffee with you to get the first insight. We can also do a workshop with you or your team.
Digital Marketing
Websites, content marketing, Google Ads, social ads, digital advertising, etc. Whatever your goal - we find the relevant channels for you and implement campaigns with the suitable tools measurably and transparently.
Touchpoint Management
Which touchpoints are relevant for your customers and your business? With the help of the "Consumer Decision Journey Model" approach, we will rearrange your touchpoints.
Stories, Content & Communication
Seien es Blogartikel, Instagram-Stories, Social Ads, Newsletter oder Jahresberichte – da wir unser nachhaltig orientiertes Zielpublikum und deren Bedürfnisse gut kennen, kommt deine Botschaft garantiert gut an.
Design, photo, and video productions or the perfect wording - we have the expert for everything.
Think Tank
Do you have an idea and are looking for ways to find a solution? We love to think outside the box and find new ideas and solutions with the help of our network.
We are Pulpo
As the "core team" in our large network of companies and freelancers, we hold the threads together and ensure smooth processes in all areas.
Become part of our "eco-system" –
as a company or as a co-thinker
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This will keep you updated on our progress in saving the world (and of course we won't share your email address under any circumstances).